Mads Emil Nielsen + V.A. (2020)
Mads Emil Nielsen continues his Framework series; a collection of open, hand-drawn graphic scores and recordings. The series includes Nielsen’s own subjective translations of the visual material and sound pieces accompanied by visual notations, and collaborations – in this case with Andrea Neumann, Jan Jelinek and Hideki Umezawa.
Scores / artwork by Mads Emil Nielsen. Circles written & produced by Mads Emil Nielsen. Framework Fragments (4-channel piece) by Andrea Neumann and Mads Emil Nielsen / stereo version: Nielsen. Circles – 2 written & produced by Jan Jelinek. Framework Fragments – 2 written & produced by Hideki Umezawa.
Circles (1)
Circles - illustration / notation based on the audio (01 / side A). Interpretation on vinyl 2 side A
Framework Fragments - graphic score